Saturday, March 9 at 7:30PM
Conducted by Matthew Kraemer, Music Director
Chorusmaster – Eric Schmidt
Oratorio – Voices of Light by Richard Einhorn
Featuring DePauw University Choirs
Presented by:
Students/Children Free with ticket! Call/Email office to reserve 317-940-9607 info@icomusic.org. Young Professionals (40 and under) tickets $20. Call or email office to redeem.
“Voices of Light” merges the legendary silent film masterpiece, The Passion of Joan of Arc, with a live performance of a ravishing score by award-winning composer Richard Einhorn. Einhorn’s compositions have been described as “hauntingly beautiful” and “sensational.” An incredibly moving composition for solo voices, featuring the ICO with DePauw University chorus (prepared by ICO Chorusmaster, Eric Schmidt), and professional soloists, “Voices of Light” has been hailed as “a triumph” (Los Angeles Times) and “an overwhelming experience” (Chicago Tribune).
With well over 250 performances, “Voices of Light” has a proven popular appeal and a special ability to deeply touch the hearts of its audiences.