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Saturday, January 20th at 7:30PM

Special guests Julian Rhee, Violin
Composer Victoria Bond

Conducted by Matthew Kraemer, Music Director

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Victoria Bond               Anne Frank’s Tree                                                 

Schreker                      Kammersymphonie                  

Korngold                       Straussiana                                  

Mendelssohn                Violin Concerto

                    Julian Rhee, Violin

Exploring the people, composers, and literature silenced by Nazi Germany, Silenced Voices, features a world premiere commission by Victoria Bond, “Anne Frank’s Tree.” Through a musical meditation on Anne’s Tree as a symbol of hope, Bond connects audiences to the sapling of Anne’s tree that grows at the Indianapolis Children’s Museum.  2022 IVCI Silver Medalist, Julian Rhee, performs the stirring Mendelssohn Violin Concerto. Additional banned composers Schreker and Korngold will also be featured.  

Please call 317-940-9607 to purchase tickets. Our ticketing platform is currently down.

Students/Children Free all season long with reserved ticket! Call or Email office to reserve at 317-940-9607 info@icomusic.org. Young Professionals (40 and under) tickets are $20. Call or email office to redeem.

julian rhee, violin, IVCI
Julian Rhee, Violin
Victoria Bond, composer, anne frank, tree
Victoria Bond, Composer
Sadie Cohen, Narrator
anne frank tree, indianapolis children's museum, sapling, commission
Anne Frank
ANne Frank Tree, Amsterdam, inspriration, commission